Bach Flower Remedies : Simple as nature

The simplicity of the Bach system

There are 38 remedies in the Bach remedy system. All of them were discovered in the 1920s and 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach , a well-known bacteriologist, physician, and pathologist.

Each remedy is associated with a basic human emotion. Mimulus , for example, is for when we are anxious or afraid about something specific. Taking the remedy helps us overcome our fear and face it with courage.

The remedies are in liquid form so that you can mix together the remedies you need to help balance your current emotional situation. Like Dr. Bach, we believe that healing on an emotional level has knock-on effects on other levels. A healthy emotional life and a balanced personality will allow your body to find its own natural state of health.

Dr. Bach designed his system to be simple. It may seem daunting at first, but anybody can learn how to use it!

Schuesslers theory of cellular nutrition

Dr. Schüssler, a german doctor of the 19th century, investigated the causes of illnesses.

He was very interested how the cells of the body could cause diseases.

The scientific work of Dr. Virchow, who discovered that the body is constructed with millions of cells, impressed and inspired Dr. Schüssler strongly.

Dr. Schüssler came to the conclusion, that many illnesses would be caused by an imbalance of the mineral balance in the single cells.

If important mineral substances are absent in the cells, they do not function properly, what leads then to the illness, was Dr. Schüsslers idea.

Because many mineral salts, taken in concentrated form, cannot find their way to the single cells, Dr. Schüssler adapted the idea of the diluting of substances like in the homoeopathy.

In potented form, so strongly diluted, the mineral salts would be able to find their way by the digestive canal, by the blood circulation just to the single cells, where they could be assimilated by the cells.

There they could adjust the inbalance inside the cell and trigger the cell to get bigger mineral salt amounts from the blood circulation if required, until they are well supplied again with everything and can function according to her task.

Because the mineral salts work inside the cells, they are called "cell salts" or "tissue salts". As this is chemistry inside the biological body, they are sometimes called "biochemic cell salts" or "biochemical cell salts".

The treatment with the cell salts by Dr. Schüssler is interpreted differently by his followers. Some see the cell salts as a stimulation therapy and other as a substitution method. Most of the cell salts are best used in 6x potency, Silica, Ferrum Phosphoricum and Calcium Fluoride are best used in 12x potency according to Dr.Schuessler

The Twelve Cell Salts and their uses :

Calcarea Fluorica
(Calc Flour)
Elasticity Salt – tissue builder, muscular weakness, impaired circulation. For hemorrhoids, varicose veins and muscular soreness

Calcarea Phosphorica
(Calc Phos)
General tonic – General nutrient, ideal tonic,
impaired digestion and chilblains

Calcarea Sulfurica
(Calc Sulph)
Blood purifier, minor skin ailments, pimples and slow healing wounds

Ferrum Phosphoricum
(Ferr Phos)
Oxygen carrier, coughs, colds, chills,
fever, headaches, inflammations

Kalium Muriaticum
(Kali Mur)
Blood conditioner, congestion, coughs, colds, bronchitis,
The Children’s Remedy

Kalium Phosphoricum
(Kali Phos)
Nerve nutrient, nervous exhaustion, depression, irritability

Kalium Sulfuricum
(Kali Sulph)
Oxygen exchanger, bronchial catarrh, minor skin eruptions with scaling, brittle nails, poor hair condition

Magnesia Phosphorica
(Mag Phos)
Nerve stabilizer, spasmodic pains, cramps, neuralgia, flatulence

Natrum Muriaticum
(Nat Mur)
Water distributor, dryness or excessive moisture in any part of the body, colds, loss of smell

Natrum Phosphoricum
(Nat Phos)
Acid neutralizer, digestive upsets, heartburn, rheumatic pain

Natrum Sulfuricum
(Nat Sulph)
The liver salt – excess water eliminator, biliousness, influenza

The Cleanser, impure blood, boils, pus formations