Greeting the New Year with "2024 Essence" from Australian Bush Flowers

Plenty of changes are under way this year after several years that seemed to alter most peoples lives in one way or another. For most folks the eye opening changes came swift and intensely. Most people ended up at the end of last year somewhat shocked and wondering, “what the heck just happened ?” Without going into particulars, it’s probably safe to say that most peoples bodies, emotions and minds feel a bit unbalanced now at the beginning of 2024.

Since the 1940s Flower essences have been helping people with emotional and mental imbalance. The flowers work on the energetic balance that is unseen and for some people can be hard to understand. Flowers of the field, the herbs in the wild have always been there for us to help with healing our bodies. The essence of the flower, made from the most beautiful part of the flower, is there to help uplift us energetically. The beauty of our Creator gave us the herbs of the field to uplift our spirits and guide us to a a happier, whole balanced life. When we feel balanced and whole we get clarity and truth that helps guide us to choosing the right path for our soul . In the end the whole of mankind is better for it. Dr. Bach realized these truths and shared the love of the flower essences with everyone to find wholeness and balance.

Ian White complied 8 of his Australian Bush flowers together to help with the changes that have occurred over the last several years and to bring wholeness through 2024. The 2024 Essence is a mixture of flowers that support clarity, faith, hope, joy and discernment. As we go forward into 2024, we are challenged to dig deep and find the truth within ourselves and see the light of truth in others. Maybe the shift within, and within others can bring us forward into more light and truth, away from darkness, giving humanity much needed hope and balance.

Getting ready for the New Year with Bach Flower Essences

As we near the end of 2023, we should like to take some quiet time reflecting on the year past. Sometimes the new year comes upon us so quickly that its hard to take a slow breath before a new year begins. The culture of today seems to look at the new year as a new starting point for physical changes and goals for a new healthy body. What about how we are feeling though ? Doesn’t that seem to drive the forward motion on most goals ? Taking a little time to sort out what and where we are with how we are feeling about the past year and going forward can be helped with flower essences .

Dr. Bach the founder of the Bach Flower Essence system believed that illness was cause by emotional upsets that haven't t been resolved and end up finding lodgment in the body. He said all illness is self correcting, that it serves to keep us from doing more harm to ourselves or others, which affects the greater good. Dr. Bach’s system has us look at how were are feeling in the moment and work to resolve those sometimes uncomfortable places with the help of flower essences. Using flower essences is a simple systems that allows the flowers vibration to gently uplift the spirit and emotions and to move through to higher thoughts and clarity.

Going forward into the new year and using flowers can help with procrastination, say if you have a goal to get up and go to the gym. Hornbeam is a great essence to use if thats a struggle getting going. Simple and easy to use , Bach flowers are non toxic, organic and free from any side effects. We can easily pick a flower or several that seem to suit us. Two drops of one or several flowers mixed together in spring water and sipped through out the day can help to shift our day and maybe even get clarity for changes for the next day, week or months ahead. Sometimes we can get stuck, not being certain what flower essence might be right for us. That may be a time to schedule a Bach Flower Consultation. This approach allows the practitioner to listen and hear what you might be saying and find a combination that can be mixed and prepared especially for you ! It’s best to choose a practitioner that is registered through the Bach Foundation which keeps that practitioner aligned with Dr. Bach’s method.

Hoping you enjoy a healthy, clear 2024!! Happy New Year !!

A periwinkle herb called Chicory

Summertime brings my favorite wildflower herb, Chicory out in full bloom. The chicory plant opens in the morning and sometimes closes during the heat of the day, later to open again when it gets cooler out. I love driving by seeing the beautiful blue flowers, my favorite, almost periwinkle color. Dr. Bach created a flower essence with Chicory for people to feel balance and he said this about the person needing Chicory. “Those who are very mindful of the needs of others; they tend to be over-full of care for children, relatives, friends, always finding something that should be put right. They are continually correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so. They desire that those for whom they care should be near them. The over care and concern for others may lead to a 'clinging’ and ‘co-dependent’ type of behavior towards those we love. This essence allows us to let go, love unconditionally with absolute freedom, keeps us from being overly sensitive and able to create boundaries. Chicory helps with abandonment issues and wounds from rejection that result in holding people so tightly that they pull away, creating a vicious cycle. Chicory helps you love deeply and completely without any strings attached. It brings a sense of security in all close relationships, and once those close to you feel the release, they too are free to love with no reservations. Chicory teaches about love; it calms neediness by revealing the source of unconditional love— and with that comes new-found security. Keywords :Abandonment, Aging, Altruism, Animals and Animal Care, Attachment, Attention, Children, Co-Dependence, Egotism, Inner Child, Irritability, Love, Manifestation, Martyrdom, Mother and Mothering, Personal Relationships, Possessiveness, Power, Rejection, Release, Responsibility, Self-Concern, Selfishness, Sharing.

What's going on with my sinuses? Australian Bush flowers combo can help

Flower Essences have provided since the 1930s; people a way to heal their bodies through their emotions. Dr Bach was the original creator of the flower essences and since then other flower essences and companies have come along from other parts of the world. Australian Bush flowers provide some really great options for emotional healing. 

Emotional healing is interrelated to the physical body Feel better in your mind, feel better in the body . Let’s talk about sinuses.  A great combination to use using Australian Bush flower essences  is a combination of Fringed  Violet,  Bush Iris and Dagger Hakea. The combination of these three really works to clean the lymphatic system, the liver and protect the aura.

Lets break it down. Bush Iris is a beautiful indigo colored flower which has been known to enhance spiritual awareness. It seems to foster faith and helps people step forward fearlessly in life knowing that God is with them. It can be helpful at the end of life and when there is a fear of dying and a fear of dying that leads to holding onto life. Dagger Hakea grows in  heathland areas and is found growing along bush tracks, that require a precarious and sometimes painful passage.  The Doctrine of  and Signatures is evident in the  remedy, as it can be for people whose tongue can be sharp,  those who hold grudges and those who can be “prickly” around others. It helps with being open and expressing feelings; also  forgiveness and of intense feelings of resentment and bitterness. Fringed  Violet’s  Doctrine of Signatures shows the plants hair like cilia that resemble an aura.  Anything that disturbs someone’s inner peace and  balance is helped with Fringed Violet. The color is a beautiful violet which again suggests a spiritual position in the body as it also helps with electromagnetic radiation from powerlines and transmission towers.  The three essences together in relation to sinuses show us that anger and bitterness , with a fear of dying or feeling disconnected from God , along with feeling that our psychic protection is weak can lead to sinus trouble. Flower essences can help us understand ourselves better and our relationship to others and God. Try this combination is you have sinus trouble and see what kind of healing and resolution you find in your life. 

Blessings, may you find peace

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Detox in 2023

Flower essences and homeopathic cell salts offer different ways of cleansing the system. One way to begin the New Year is with a gentle emotional detox. Flower essences can help emotions that live in the body through emotional release and awareness . Dr. Bach believed that emotions that we haven’t acknowledged are what make us unwell. By looking at those feelings and the thoughts that drive those feelings, we have insight into our spiritual nature and what needs to be addressed to feel good again. Star of Bethlehem is used for shock or trauma recent or even from long ago that locked that experience in our body somewhere. Crab Apple the essence for physical cleansing is helpful if you are feeling unclean or the need for a physical or emotional detox. This works great with any type of fasting you might be doing. Walnut helps with alcohol addiction and could be used to hold fast to a decision to stop poisoning your body with alcohol. Walnut would also help with any type addiction and feeling strong about the change you are making in your life.

Cell salts work on the physical nature and so during any type of cleanse, Nature Sulphuricum can help the gall bladder and liver to work properly. If you have been eating fatty, greasy foods and the gall bladder is feeling compromised., Nat Sulph is one to look at . Kali Sulphuricum works to help the liver work properly and is especially helpful if there is any yellow mucus discharging from the body. Making sure you are getting enough water and hydration to cleanse the lymph is important. Natrum Muraticum balances the bodies fluids and keeps hydration level optimal. Kali Muraticum helps the glands work and function which can get bogged down if the lymph is sluggish. Kali Mur is also helpful for those who have been vaccinated with the covid 19 vaccine and are trying to rid themselves of the spike protein contained in the vxx.

Australian Bush flowers offer some helpful energetic essences to cleanse all the different layers of our energetic system. Australian Bush flowers have a combination essence which I love called Purifying. It is made out of the following essences: Bottlebrush foe the colon, Bush Iris,a strong lymphatic cleanser, Dagger Hakea for the liver,, Dog Rose the kidneys and Wild Potato Bush for heavy metal cleansing. Just seven. drops am and pm for 2 weeks will help cleanse all the major detox pathways and to draw out the heavy metals accumulated in the body which can be really challenging to get rid of.

Great products offered through Purium like Fulvic Zeolite provide a natural way to pull heavy metals out of the body, easily and just by increasing the number of drops per day for two weeks.

These different and unique approaches can be used alone or together for a full body detox !

I also provide consultations if you would like help going forward and aren’t sure what might be right for you :)

Hope this finds you on the path to wellness and a clean and clear 2023 !!

Avoid toxic skin care products and skin eat clean

Skin is more than a fleshy surface for pimples, tattoos and wrinkles. Skin is the body's largest organ, and along with hair, nails, glands and nerves, is part of the integumentary system.

Not only does the skin hold everything in, it also plays a crucial role in providing an airtight, watertight and flexible barrier between the outside world and the highly regulated system in the body. It also helps with temperature regulation, immune defence, vitamin production, and sensation.

Not only is it a barrier, it absorbs ! 

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health looked into the skin’s absorption rates of chemicals found in drinking water. It showed that the skin absorbed an average of 64% of total contaminant dosage. Other studies found the face to be several times more permeable than broad body surfaces and an absorption rate of 100% for underarms and genitalia. And another peer-reviewed study showed 100% absorption for fragrance ingredients. 

Women are clearly the largest consumers of skin care products. Being healthy and feeling healthy begins by eating clean organic, non GMO foods along with a clean skin care regime. It’s easy for women to overlook their skin care products and the toxic ingredients used because the strong desire to only hear the marketing message of better beautiful skin. Years of accumulated toxins show up in the body from skin care products, leaving the endocrine system over worked to rid the body of those toxins. Give your body and skin healthy, toxin free products. Next time look at the back of the ingredients on skin care before buying and  ask yourself, “would  I eat those ingredients? “ There are plenty of organic skin care companies out there with clean ingredients.

A great way to get healthy skin and flower essences into the body is with Australian Bush Flowers Essences skin care products and remedy creams. I have tried most of them and particularly like the Purifying Cream Cleanser, Ultimate Face Gel and Intensive Eye Serum.

  Blessings for a healing, healthy day! 

Feeling heavy ? Old Man Banksia can help

Banksia serrata - was one of the first plants discovered by Joseph Banks, an English naturalist and botanist, to whom we owe the name of the genus. Like the other members of the Proteaceae family, Old Man Banksia is adaptable, and can be found in arid lands or in inhospitable areas, but normally grows on woodlands and open forests.

The Doctrine of Signatures of these flowers has much to offer in relation to the energies of the essences, as does the gnarled, thick trunk of the tree which also reflects its relationship to the types of people who would most benefit from this essence.

Old Man Banksia people tend to feel tired, lethargic and sluggish due to major set-backs in life or illness. They hold pent-up energies tightly within and may feel that they’ve been carrying heavy burdens for quite some time. They may feel as if their feet drag heavily with much effort and their bodies often will have become heavy through slow movement and lack of enthusiasm. People often unconsciously create a protective barrier in the form of extra body weight in an effort to protect themselves from further pain, abuse or trauma. Thyroid activity is often affected by such energies and may have become sluggish.

The Old Man Banksia flower essence assists with creating a sense of softening and lightening of your load of burdens – invoking a sense of great sighs of relief! Renewed enthusiasm for life will begin to allow new possibilities for change to emerge, and you will feel that you are able to breathe more easily.
For people who are frustrated and disheartened by setbacks. This essence helps to bring a spark into those peoples lives. They tend to be reliable, dependable people who steadily plod on, often hiding their weariness while battling on with unceasing effort. The Old man Banksia essence helps to manage any situation that life presents, giving energy, enthusiasm, pleasure and interest in life, acting even after the suspension of the remedy.

  • It allows you to recognize your limitations, helping to say no in case of overload of commitments or excessive availability to the requests of others.

  • Adjuvant in the rebalancing of thyroid function which can cause weight gain, fatigue, weakness, physical heaviness and obesity. The temporary sensation of closure or lump in the throat that may occur indicates that the energetic rebalancing of the thyroid gland is in progress.

A Bach Flower Consultation

Practitioners registered with the Bach Centre are known as Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners. They use the letters ‘BFRP’ after their name. Graduates of Level 3 courses can apply to the Bach Centre to join its Bach Foundation International Register of practitioners, which validate the work of Bach practitioners in more than sixty countries.

BFRP’s are people from all walks of life who share a dedication to Dr. Bach’s ideal of simplicity and self help. They work under the Bach Centre Code of Practice , which sets out the standards expected of professional practitioners and provides a safe framework for practitioners and clients.

Consulting a BFRP is easy and is a good way to get started with the Bach system . BFRPs aim to teach you the remedies during the consultation process, so that you will be able to help yourself and your family in the future- but always be able to call on your practitioner for help and assistance when you need it.

Most BFRPs offer face-to-face consultations; many also offer consultations remotely via Zoom or phone calls etc. You can also use the Bach Centre website to locate a practitioner in your area for an in person consultation.

The Bach Flowers Dr. Bach said “ is a system of healing, which has been Divinely revealed unto us, shows that it is our fears, our cares, our anxiety and such that open the path to the invasion of illness. Thus by treating our fears, our cares, our worries and so on, we not only free ourselves from our illness, but the Herbs given unto us by the Grace of The Creator of all, in addition take away our fears and worries, and leave us happier and better in ourselves.”

Heavy Metal Detox with Fulvic Zeolite

Back in the day, it was common for painters to lick the ends of their brushes to bring them to a point before dipping them back into their lead-based paint. This habit turned out to be quite deadly; overexposure to lead does not paint a pretty picture! Peripheral neuropathy is the most common effect on the nervous system by lead.

Nowadays, we know better than to lick our brushed or to use lead-based paint in the first place, but many old homes still have them on their walls. We are also exposed to other harmful heavy metals as a result of industrialization practices and the many bad habits of corporations and individuals. Nobody is immune. Everybody breathes air, drinks water, eats food and lives on Earth; there are harmful toxins prevalent in our environment and they accumulate in our bodies causing us to have sub-par health. Per reports done by the Centers for Disease Control’s Environmental Health Laboratory “there are currently 148 chemicals – 38 of which have never been measured in the US population- found in the blood and/or urine of Americans.” According to a recent study, a newborn’s umbilical cord blood contains an average of 200 chemicals and pollutants. Completely avoiding the pollution of our body by the pollution lurking around us is likely impossible…unless you spend your life in a hermetically sealed bubble, perhaps!

So, what to do?

Enter Zeolite. One of the few negatively charged minerals in nature, Zeolite has a pretty incredible backstory. Thousands of years ago, volcanoes rose from the sea, dividing continents, creating mountains, and forming much of the land, as we now know it. As these volcanoes erupted, molten lava and thick ash poured into the sea. The combination of thick ash and the salt from the sea caused a chemical reaction, and over thousands of years, precious minerals like Zeolites began to form in the hardened lava.

Zeolites are a cage-like structure that is created by aluminum and silica that are trapped in small tetrahedra (pyramid-like structures) created by oxygen atoms. These form 8-sided and 10-sided rings that stack on top of each other to form channels. The aluminum is positively charged and the oxygen around it is negatively charged, giving the entire molecule a net negative charge. This is a very stable compound. For all practical purposes, this is an invincible molecule that acts like a vacuum, sucks the toxins out of your bloodstream and then traps them in a cage. When the toxins are trapped, they are neutralized in such a way so that the liver does not recognize that they are there. Your body then passes it on to the kidneys so you can eliminate them through urination without taxing the liver. Zeolite’s honeycombed structures allow small molecules between 2 and 10 angstroms to enter – but once they check in, they can never check out!
Purium only uses the naturally occurring clinoptilolite class of Zeolite which has been used for over 800 years in traditional medicine. For centuries, the powdered forms of specific Zeolites have been used as traditional remedies throughout Asia, specifically India, China, and Russia, to promote overall health and wellbeing. The story of the “volcanic rocks” has been passed down from generation-to-generation as more and more people have experienced its life-changing benefits. In the United States, Zeolites have been used in water filtration, air purification, in animal feed and even in fertilizers to keep the crops healthy.

In Purium’s advanced proprietary process, the zeolite is absorbed into the molecular structure of fulvic acid and becomes Fulvic Zeolite. This synergistically combined formula is highly stable and is easily delivered into our body’s chemical matrix.

Our Fulvic Zeolite is sourced from ancient shale deposits in New Mexico, rich with fossilized plants and clinoptilolite. It is micronized and cleansed

To use, start slowly with 1 drop, 3 times a day in any organic juice, green drink, smoothie or non-chlorinated water. Purium founder David Sandoval has seen best results when Fulvic Zeolite is mixed with a high antioxidant drink such as Purium’s Kamut Blend, Power Shake, Green Spectrum or Apothe-Cherry. Increase to the full dosage over a two-week period. At the end of the two-week period, you will be taking 3 drops, 3 times per day. Make sure you drink lots of water – generally speaking, half your body weight in ounces is ideal – because Zeolite could potentially dehydrate you as it uses the water in your body to flush the toxins out of it.

Fulvic Zeolite can be used daily to help purify the blood and tissue in both humans and most animals, as well as support a balanced pH level within their bodies. The results can be almost dramatic as the way Zeolite entered the world!

Facial analysis and cell salt minerals for better health

A healthy diet will generally supply the body with sufficient mineral salts. Food contains minerals in an organically bound form and metabolism “unlocks” them. Without sufficient mineral salts in the body, cellular activity will be greatly restricted or even impossible. Inferior food, changes in the way of living and high pollution levels have played their part in greatly increasing everybody’s mineral salt requirements today.

To achieve optimal results,  Dr. Schuessler, the founder of biochemical cell salt therapy, administered the individual mineral salts found in the body in molecular form. The salts were produced in accordance with homoeopathic grinding procedures (trituration), making easy absorption by the cells possible.

Kurt Hickthier took up Schuessler’s basic thoughts in this field and in 1910, untiringly and with great zeal, he began to conduct research into the concept of facial diagnostics. Facial diagnostics cannot be compared to other types of diagnosis. The method has a different approach since the main focus is on identifying the mineral substance deficiencies in the blood and cells. – There is no need to worry about the illness or its symptoms – the prescription is written in the face.

Every single mineral salt deficiency in the body expresses itself by way of certain alterations on the facial skin. Hickethier identified 24 different diagnostic signs in the face which are reliable indicators of a specific mineral salt deficiency. Thereupon, the organism is administered the corresponding minerals under the biochemical healing method and all bodily functions are put in a position to regulate themselves in an optimal manner, the patient thus returning to health.

Most cell salt therapy requires the cell salts to be taken several times a day, using a saturation method to allow minerals to become balanced . The facial analysis can change as the mineral balance begins to work itself out and then expresses through the facial skin.

A clean life with Dr. Bach

There is the world the way it works and there is the world in the way it should work. We are quickly finding out that most of the products and foods manufactured are at best some of the most harmful things we could put in us and have around us. Most everything that is good and healthy and vital is not supported by the corporations that run the world. Ideas have been shaped and shifted to fit ideas and ways of living that in no way support our health or the health of our pets and the wildlife that lives around us. What is important to remember is that if any product is part of one of the 6 large corporations that own most large companies, it is not for your benefit. All products of any kind or prescription drugs that is manufactured is mostly designed after NATURE. Corporations or any business cannot make large amounts of money off a natural product because NATURE cannot be patented. This whole experience of greed has led humanity off a cliff. Advertising , marketing and now social media spin sales pitches with lies imbedded in some truth. Where we have ended up is now in a mentally toxic and physically toxic world and environment. Vaccines are one of the most toxic, senseless, lies that has been fed to society. That is also true for all animals that get them. Dr. Bach knew this. He used and became famous for his Bowel Nosodes while researching the health of his patients during the 1930’s . He experimented with his nosodes in a vaccine form, since vaccines were becoming popular during the time he was researching .

Dr. Bach with his sensitivity and strong conviction to find something that healed people, decided that the vaccination idea wasn’t healthy. He believed there was healing to be found in Nature given by our Creator to help heal us along our path. He believed along with clean eating, positive emotions and clean living surroundings and environment, we could come back to balance and health. He didnt believe in taking money for a gift from the Creator and believed that greed was something to cleanse ourselves from. The flowers that he ended up finding for his system are all flowers of the purest, highest, pristine nature, He believed that only putting pure, vital, clean, thoughts , foods and herbs would heal us. Let us each day find a way to move closer to the truth, to clean, right living. Lets also treat our pets and loved ones with the same honor and find ways to not poison anymore. Lets also leave the planet cleaner than we found it.

Blessings to you !

The Love of Chicory

Chicory is of a European origin and followed European travelers  to virtually all parts of the  world.  It inhabits the disturbed soils of roadsides and in the summertime it’s blue flowers provided a kind of counterpoint to the many white  and yellow flowering plants that also inhabits such transitional areas. 

Edward Bach found the beautiful blue flower growing wild in the surrounding areas where he lived.  He chose the Chicory flower as one of his original Twelve Healers. Chicory is also considered a “type “ remedy , being one that folks can be as a general personality type.

The Bach flower Chicory  personality in its positive state translates as unconditional love. However, in the negative state the personality functions quite the opposite. Philip Chancellor in his book “Illustrated  Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies” states “ in some people the love aspect is blocked in its outward flow and is turned inward to the self.  It is then that such an individual becomes congested mentally and physically for outgiving love has turned to grasping possessiveness, to an egoistic concern. Such is the Chicory type person; such an emotional state of mind can be corrected by Chicory.” 

The flower essence Chicory works to help people let go of expectations one might have of their loved ones. It clears a way of understanding that love to others is freely given and freely returned. Self pity and a need for attention dissolves; allowing the soul to do the work it came here to do.. The heart chakra finds balance and begins to work properly.

Coming back with Bach Flowers ; hope for Autism

Children respond well to subtle energetic healing modalities because they have less emotional and psychological blocks. As we age we add layers of pain, frustration, shock and trauma to our energy fields, making use of the remedies a sometimes more lengthy process. Children on the other hand, find more ease and a sometimes quicker resolution to come back into balance . Our bodies vital force works to keep us going in the best possible direction after emotional, psychological or physical toxins have been imposed on us.

For children suffering from Autism , their imbalance can be seen or experienced in many different ways. Bach Flower essences have been found to help create emotional and psychological harmony in these children lives. As a result, children function better and can in turn find more physical balance too. The vital force working in our lives wants to find the best way to keep us going forward . Flower essences can help balance the pathways that the vital force may not be using along with helping the vital force in the pathway it has chosen.

We all experience a certain amount of dissociation in life depending on what has happened to us in our lives and also the toxicity caused by food, prescription drugs and vaccinations. Anything that the body identifies as toxic is handled by the vital force and pushed to an area best equipped to handle that. The disassociation that we all feel at any point can be gently brought back to alignment with Bach Flower essences based on our emotional symptoms. As a Bach Flower Practitioner, I can help teach you the simple system created by Dr. Bach which allows parents to chose a remedy or remedies that best fits their childs emotional states. For example, Clematis is a flower used to help with inattentiveness, and the child may have a vacant , far away look about them. Clematis can help bring our consciousness back to the present which in turn may help us feel stronger physically. This can be a wonderful remedy for Autistic children if the symptoms match those of the child .

The use of Bach Flower essences for Autism has been widely studied and used over the last several decades, aiding parents with helpful energetic tools to help bring the body, mind and spirit of their child back into harmony and balance.

Journey to the self with Bach Flowers

Ram Dass said “We are all just each walking each other home..” and I agree whole heartedly ! Life going forward is not always for the faint of heart. We need each other on the journey back to God. How far we have strayed is relative to our soul’s work and our ability to listen within. The Bach Flower system is a useful way to guide ourselves back to harmony within.

Dr. Bach was keenly intuitive and a sensitive so he knew that support was needed during our life journey. He searched the countryside looking for what he knew the Creator had placed in the fields to help our journey. Once he found the best, pure, beautiful herbs, he knew they would help with our emotion and inner being. Dr Bach said, “The mind being the most delicate and sensitive part of the body, shows the onset and the course of disease much more definitely than the body, so that the outlook of mind is chosen as the guide as to which remedy or remedies are necessary.”

The Bach Flower consultation is a way to help others and guide them to their self help healing. Dr. Bach created a simple system that anyone can learn to use and it gives the power of our own healing to our own self. When a BFRP , Bach Flower Registered Practitioner works with a client, the practitioner is simply a guide or teacher for getting to know the flowers better and ourself. Once the client has a good understanding of the flowers and more self awareness , the client can easily choose the flowers for him/herself and then begin to help family and friends on their journey. Let the remedies help you find your way home.

Blessings :)

Is your aura damaged ? Fringed Violet can help!

Australian Bush flower essence offers a wonderful remedy for a damaged aura. Its name is Fringed Violet. We are born with a healthy, mostly open aura. As life begins to happen to us the aura slowly begins to close , like a babies fontanelle, and until it closes remains open to negative influences. The aura being our energetic life field, is subject to those negative influences. Most of the time the aura holds those negative influences at bay, but traumatic events can be troubling enough that they permeate the aura. Sensitive people tend to have a more permeable aura and may have a harder time keeping those influence or events from affecting them. Ian White says” there may be indications for Fringed Violet in the eyes: unequal pupil size, very large pupils , the nerve wreath shattered and also a lack of clarity in the border between the iris and the white of the eye, indicating a person who is too easily influenced by others or external events. Fringed Violet help to keep intact a person’s protection, thus blocking the unwanted external energies. It is excellent for people who are drained by others, or those who unconsciously absorb the physical and emotional imbalances of others. It’s a great remedy for therapists, counselors, etc. who are empathetic and work with others emotional states. Fringed Violet along with Crowea, Waratah, Paw Paw, and Bush Fuchia are excellent in negating the effects of electro magnetic radiation. This is what makes up Australian Bush flowers essence Electro. Keep a bottle of Fringed Violet handy before outings to large groups of people and before flying.

Banksia Robur ~ Swamp Banksia

This Australian Bush flower remedy is for situations involving temporary tiredness., frustrations or setbacks. It is for people who are normally very dynamic , with abundant energy and enthusiasm. But, for some reason or another are left feeling downhearted. Ian White says this is the first remedy to think of in the treatment of ME or chronic fatigue .

Life has a natural ebb and flow, as also the seasons have a natural time of outward energy and a slower inward energy . Many people experience the ebb and flow of energy as a natural cycle and this remedy can help when they feel frustrated at the low ebb of energy.

Banksia Robur can help people by lifting their feeling of being “stuck in a swamp” and can be a wonderful catalyst for movement forward. The negative condition of low energy, disheartened and weary can transform into energy , enthusiasm and renewed interest in life.

Gut health and the second brain

Have you ever had “butterflies” in your stomach? The feeling when you’re so nervous about something (maybe a big day at work or a super hot date) that you actually feel it in your stomach? Or has the feeling of anger or sadness made you completely lose your appetite?

Part of the reasoning for this is because there’s a connection between your brain and your gut. That’s why we call our gut our “second brain.” In their book, “The Good Gut,” Justin and Erica Sonnenburg explain that our brain connects to our gut through a part of the nervous system–the enteric nervous system (ENS).

Irritation in ENS can send signals to your brain that trigger mood changes. The communication between your gut and your brain can effect digestion and other stomach-related functions. The microbiota in our guts adjust to changes we make in our diet or feel with our stress levels. Gut microbiota has even been connected to the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which regulates happy feelings.

With all this communication going on, there’s a sort of chicken or the egg question. What’s telling you that you want a snack–your brain or your stomach?

Protecting Your Second Brain

Viewing your gut as your second brain changes the perspective of eating a little bit. We should nourish it with healthy foods that promote regular function. Eating the wrong things now seem to have more consequences attached – other then just gaining weight.

Processed ingredients like genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) damage our gut. That’s why we designed Biome Medic to get rid of these toxins and leave your second brain healthy.

Biome Medic is a staple in our Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation, meant to flood your body with superfoods and rid your body of harmful toxins like glyphosate (which is labeled as a carcinogenic herbicide in California and was once labeled in The World Health Organization in 2015). Some of these toxins can be found in the foods we eat every day.

Biome Medic

David Sandoval, Founder and Chief Science Officer of Purium, announced results from a recent study on the company’s new gut health product, Biome Medic. Studied under a randomized, product-controlled IRB- approved protocol, the six-week pre-clinical trial reported a 74% reduction of the herbicide glyphosate, a 75% reduction in the inflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein (CRP) and a 35% increase in gut immune response as measured by reduced food sensitivities.

Conducted by Florida-based Internal Medicine Specialist Matthew C. Popkin, M.D. and James Blum, Ph.D., an epidemiologist with thirty years of designing and conducting clinical trials, the study was independently assessed by Dr. Lynn Disney.

While under observation, both the experimental and control groups were requested not to change their eating habits as the control group received an active control placebo and the experimental group received Biome Medic. Subjects entered the study with a wide array of typical eating habits. After the six weeks, there was a substantial decrease of both glyphosate and the inflammatory marker CRP, both being reduced from “high / unhealthy” to “normal / healthy” levels. Specifically, the researchers noted the decrease in glyphosate and CRP levels experienced by the Biome Medic experimental group indicate a lowering of systemic inflammation which is well recognized to have positive health benefits. Elevated CRP is a strong predictor of heart disease as well as other inflammatory conditions.

Sandoval said, “Biome Medic may be an important tool in the fight against genetically-modified foods and harmful herbicides like glyphosate that have infiltrated our food supply. It is getting harder and harder to avoid these chemicals, so Biome Medic was designed to support a healthy microbiome.”

The Australian Bush Flower Story

The Bush Essences are a system of healing that anyone can use for themselves or prescribe for others. Although Flower Remedies have been used by many cultures for thousands of years, the Australian Bush Flower Essences meet the great need for remedies that help people address the issues of the 21st century - sexuality, communication skills and spirituality to name but a few. The answer to this need (which has come from the Australian plants), has been developed and researched by Naturopath, Ian White, a fifth generation Australian herbalist.

Ian grew up in the Australian bush. As a young boy his grandmother, like her mother before her, specialised in using Australian plants and would often take him bush walking. From her deep understanding she would point out the many healing plants and flowers. He learned a profound respect for nature through her and went on to become a practitioner and a pioneer working with and researching the rare remedial qualities of Australian native plants.

Australia has the world's oldest and highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. Also Australia is relatively unpolluted and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy.

At this time there is a tremendous new vitality in this country. This, combined with the inherent power of the land, is why the Australian Bush Flower Essences are unique. Practitioners and prescribers world wide are now incorporating the Australian Essences to form an integral part of their therapy.

The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one's life. Then everyone benefits....the individual, society and the planet.

The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. This releases negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allows the positive virtues of the Higher Self - love, joy, faith, courage etc. to flood their being. When this happens the negative beliefs and thoughts are dissolved, balance is restored and true healing occurs.